Marlow S View Of Kurtz

Marlow never mentioned wanting to actually see kurtz.
Marlow s view of kurtz. Marlow hero worships kurtz to the highest degree in the text heart of darkness. Kurtz was apparently seven feet tall or so although we figure marlow was riding the hyperbole train here. Further the inner soul of a man cannot be transmitted to others. Marlow seizes kurtz and endeavors to take him back down the river in his steamboat.
He is for the natives a kind of wild african god or a punisher god. He gleans from other people s opinions of kurtz that the man is brilliant hard working and respected but also somehow feared and distrusted. So his name contradicts his god like height. His deep and vibrating voice almost causes veneration among his listeners including marlow.
Kurtz dies on the boat with the last words the horror. Marlow s feelings about kurtz begin with mild interest about the missing company agent supposedly the best agent in the company s entire territory. After marlow hears from a sick man about kurtz being a remarkable man conrad 307 marlow continues to slowly gain interest in the mysterious man known as kurtz. Marlow remarks that all europe contributed to the making of kurtz and kurtz s very existence proves this to be true.
Or we would if kurtz weren t already half dead by the time marlow meets him but it wasn t always like that. He attributes kurtz s greatness as seen in the eyes of his intended and europeans was from a creation of all europe. It is as if marlow is obsessed with only kurtz s voice and does not associate an actual person to it. Like the europeans involved in enterprises such as the company he epitomizes the greed and lust running wild that marlow observes in the congo.
He went away from europe. The way marlow obsesses about kurtz we almost expect kurtz to file a restraining order on the guy. Where once he was idealistic even naive he is now entirely a cynic believing that man is meant to travel through life alone and so die alone. When marlow first hears about kurtz he s not very interested in him 1 74.
The paragraph continues as marlow. According to marlow kurtz is the best of the best conrad 56. By the time marlow the protagonist sees kurtz he is ill with jungle fever and almost dead. But his name means short in german which marlow makes sure to point out just in case we re not caught up with our rosetta stone cassettes.