East Cambridgeshire Annual Monitoring Report

The act requires the replacement of the east cambridgeshire district local plan with a new local development framework ldf.
East cambridgeshire annual monitoring report. An east cambridgeshire lds was adopted in october 2017 and came into force during the monitoring period of this report. Councils produce an annual monitoring report or authority monitoring report every year that looks back at the previous monitoring year from 1 april to 31 march. It contains information on the performance of planning policies set out in the adopted local plan and area action plans and also provides a general portrait of the social economic and environmental conditions in the district. This plan which was produced jointly by the two authorities covers cambridgeshire and peterborough and therefore in some instances the information that is provided addresses both.
1 1 the planning and compulsory purchase act 2004 the act introduced major changes to the development plan system. The south cambridgeshire local plan was adopted 27 september 2018 and the cambridge local plan 18 october 2018. 1 5 the source of the information used in this report is from east cambridgeshire district council or the cambridgeshire county council research and monitoring team unless otherwise stated. The current amr which covers the monitoring period 01 april 2018 to 31 march 2019 and reports from previous years are available to view and download using the links below.
Findings are published in the annual monitoring report amr. An updated lds was published in october 2017 but this is post the. Background to the annual monitoring report. The lds 2017 is available to view on our website.
It should however be noted that the local plan saved policies 2006 formed part of the development plan for the period covered by this authority monitoring report amr. Minerals and waste plan annual monitoring reports. Cambridgeshire county council has produced monitoring reports to assess progress made in the implementation of the cambridgeshire and peterborough minerals and waste plan which comprises a core strategy 2011 and a site specific proposals plan 2012. Period covered 1 6 this amr covers the period 1 april 2015 to 31 march 2016.
An east cambridgeshire s lds was adopted in july 2015 and was in force during the monitoring period of this report note. Key findings of the 2015 16 monitoring report.