Character Of Marlow In Lord Jim

Marlow a sea captain some twenty years older than jim.
Character of marlow in lord jim. Marlow the narrator of this story and a ship s captain. Inadequately represented and imperfectly expressed by characters as dissimilar as the frame narrators in heart of darkness and lord jim the two versions of marlow in these two narratives the old knitting woman kurtz the french lieutenant and stein goethe s ideal is also conrad s. Marlow captain marlow is about 20 years jim s senior an experienced seaman and the narrator of jim s story. Raymond malbone considers that marlow is the main character in lord jim as the theme of the novel rests in what jim s story means to marlow rather than in what happens to jim 1 the stories are not told entirely from marlow s perspective however.
He s a slippery fellow isn t he. For someone who spends the whole novel talking he sure doesn t. A twenty four year old british sailor with romantic aspirations jim is neat. Lord jim is referenced in the final section of herman wouk s 1951 novel the caine.
Marlow conrad s ubiquitous narrator and mouthpiece ambivalently accuses him of an exalted egoism and a selfishness of a higher order jim s chastening occurs when he is chief mate on the. Lord jim is remarkable for its elaborately woven scheme of narration which is similar in many ways to that of the good soldier a novel written by conrad s friend and collaborator ford madox ford. When marlow first sees jim on trial for desertion he is sure that jim has a cowardly streak in his nature. The narrative comes to the reader primarily through marlow a world weary sea captain who identifies deeply with jim s fallibilities.
Captain of the steamship patna and one of the men with jim in the lifeboat. A british sea captain who attends the official inquiry and becomes interested in. The disney motion picture spooner used the story of lord jim as a shadow and point of comparison for the dilemmas faced by the movie s main character harry spooner michael norlan played by robert urich. Lord jim character list jim.